Sunday, May 31, 2020

Assignment for Week of June 1

Read the following story and answer the questions below.
Create a doc in your English folder with the title First Initial Last Name Autumn
 (example B Desai Autumn)
Answer the following questions:
  1. Write a developed and supported paragraph on what you think the theme of 
    the story is. Support it with specific evidence from the text. Connect your 
    evidence with reasoning.
  2. Write a developed and supported paragraph that answers the following 
    question: why do you think the author draws the reader's focus to the final 
    image in the story? What are the different perspectives a reader might take 
    on this final image?
  3. Write a developed paragraph in which you explain and give evidence for
    how the author makes clear the tree is a rarity. 
    Due: Monday, June 8 before 2 p.m.